Michel Phelps

Michel Phelps
he must of gotten a good time

Thursday, April 24, 2008

a funny joke

heres a funny joke

A boy at camp said: hey mom and dad gue$$ what i need plea$e $end $ome $oon love: chri$$

his parents replied: hi chriss NOthing much is happening here we do NOt havemuch to do here but please send us aNOther letter soon love mom and dad.


Jaxon said...

yeah nice joke but it doesnt make sense you should read it over

Jaxon said...

just kidding ignore my last comment. TEE HEE!

haylee ann (: said...

hey swimmer ethan person. i swim too. and how old are you bc the fastest kid in state thing is pretty hard to believe bc i know TONS of REALLY FAST swimmers.

ethan said...

hi haylee this is ethan and i really am the fastest swimmer in my age group and do you know who jaxon is jaxon is my friend so yeah