Michel Phelps

Michel Phelps
he must of gotten a good time

Friday, May 30, 2008


i like to swim sorry i havn't posted much lately but i will try to post more so yeah hey swimming rox try it

Thursday, April 24, 2008

a funny joke

heres a funny joke

A boy at camp said: hey mom and dad gue$$ what i need plea$e $end $ome $oon love: chri$$

his parents replied: hi chriss NOthing much is happening here we do NOt havemuch to do here but please send us aNOther letter soon love mom and dad.


I swim everyday except Saturday & Sunday & i think that you should swim because its awesome &you can lots of fun doing it so swim!!!!!!!!!


swimming can be fun & not fun personally i think its fun! now i wanna know do you like to swim if you do or don't tell me by commenting (below) only because i wanna know so tell me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

tell me how much you love this blog by commenting on the comment spot

tell tell i know you loved it

the page

the secret page so ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

funny pictures

I put some funny pictures for your enjoyment!

this one isnt about swimming

today im writing about something else... ...i will write about my favorite websites! First i must tell you their names www.teeheeinc.1colony.com & www.yfan.1colony.com these website are so awesome! They have hilarious picture and much more!

so go to www.teehee.1colony.com & www.Yfan.1colony.com !

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

swimming is really fun

Swimming is a sport that's really fun and if done right you can swim fast!
Swimming you have to want to go to practice to swim fast you can't just go to the meets if you do you won't swim very fast. I swim every day except Saturdays & Sundays. Now before i finish this post I want to tell you one last thing... ...everyone should try swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

swimming is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

look swimming is the best sport ever everyone should know it! If you hate swimming your crazy!