Michel Phelps

Michel Phelps
he must of gotten a good time

Friday, May 30, 2008


i like to swim sorry i havn't posted much lately but i will try to post more so yeah hey swimming rox try it

Thursday, April 24, 2008

a funny joke

heres a funny joke

A boy at camp said: hey mom and dad gue$$ what i need plea$e $end $ome $oon love: chri$$

his parents replied: hi chriss NOthing much is happening here we do NOt havemuch to do here but please send us aNOther letter soon love mom and dad.


I swim everyday except Saturday & Sunday & i think that you should swim because its awesome &you can lots of fun doing it so swim!!!!!!!!!


swimming can be fun & not fun personally i think its fun! now i wanna know do you like to swim if you do or don't tell me by commenting (below) only because i wanna know so tell me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

tell me how much you love this blog by commenting on the comment spot

tell tell i know you loved it

the page

the secret page so ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

funny pictures

I put some funny pictures for your enjoyment!